
Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News and Media

Bloomberg News: Catarina Saraiva (@catarinasaraiva) has joined the Federal Reserve team, based in Houston. She will be covering regional Fed banks and trends in the labour market and wider economy.

Financial Times: Jennifer Ablan (@jennablan) has been appointed US Markets Editor.

Record, The: Alex Nussbaum (@northjersey) has been named Assignment Editor.

Wall Street Journal, The: Frances Yoon (@FranIFR) has been appointed Asian Credits Reporter.

Washington Post, The: Ian Duncan (@iduncan) has been appointed National Transportation Writer.


NBC News: Leticia Miranda (@leticia) has been appointed Business Reporter.

USA Today: Curtis Tate (@tatecurtis) has joined as Senior Travel Reporter.

Business and Commerce

Atlanta Business Journal: Alex Gailey (@AtlBizChron) has left.

Bank :Innovation Angely Mercado (@AngelyMercado) has been appointed Reporter.

Fortune: Claire Zillman (@clairezillman) has been named Senior Editor.

Providence Business News: Mike Mello (@ProvBusNews) has been promoted to Editor.

Quartz: Amrita Khalid (@askhalid) has been named Technology Reporter.

Politics, Government and Education

Bloomberg Law: Madison Alder (@madialder) has moved the judiciary beat.

Technology and Telecoms

Digiday: Kayleigh Barber (@kayleighjbarber) has been hired to cover the media industry.

Input Magazine: Raymond Wong (@raywongy) has been appointed Senior Reviews Editor.


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News and Media (National)

Daily Express Online: Aimee Robinson (@aimee_robbo) has been named Travel Reporter.

Daily Telegraph: Katherine Rushton (@kerushton) and Melissa Lawford (@melissalawford) have been appointed Deputy Investigations Editor and Property Correspondent respectively.

Mirror Sport: James Whaling (@jjwhaling) has been named Assistant Sports Editor.

Telegraph Business: Ben Marlow (@benjaminmarlow) and Christopher Williams (@cg_williams) have been appointed Chief City Commentator and Business Editor respectively.

Thomson Reuters: Luke Baker (@ReutersUK) is now European International Affairs Correspondent, based in London.

Times (Sport), The: Tom Roddy (@tomroddy_) has joined as Football Reporter.

News and Media (Regional)

Cumberland & Westmorland Herald: Colin Maughan (@CWHerald) has been named Consultant Editor.


BBC Radio Ulster: Stephen Clements (@radiostephen) has been named Presenter.

Sky News: Rhiannon Williams (@RhiannonJudithW) has been appointed Climate Change Producer.

Business and Commerce

Banking Technology: Alexander Hamilton (@ADHamilton91) has been appointed Deputy Editor.

Professional Adviser: Hannah Godfrey (@hannah_godfrey) has been promoted to News Editor.

Consumer Lifestyle

Baby Magazine: Ruby Norris (@Roobzie) has been appointed Online Editor.

Refinery 29 UK: Sadhbh O’Sullivan (@sadhbhlikedive) has been named Health & Living Writer.

Yours: Jo Carnegie (@yoursmagazine) has been named Acting Deputy Editor.


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