
Did you know that most people do not pay attention to PowerPoint presentations for more than 10 minutes?

Despite being the oldest presentation maker, most people continue to use Microsoft PowerPoint for their presentations. Unless you are a PowerPoint maverick, you can get much better results from other presentation tools.

Given the widespread use of presentation tools, reporting marketing insights is yet another area where we use them. Most of the prominent presentation tools have dedicated templates for marketing insights and reports. If you are not using them, you are missing out on a lot.

Today we will go through the process of using presentation tools for marketing insights. Despite seeing major improvement in presentation makers, we continue to be bored by them. In a survey, 4 out of 5 people reported being bored in their last presentation. Read on if you don’t want to bore people in your presentations.

How to use presentation tools for marketing insights in 2022

How to use presentation tools for marketing insights in 2022

Good presentations are essential from a public relations perspective. Note that not all presentations are for business clients and team members. With impressive presentations on a range of business matters, you can win the trust and confidence of consumers as well.

1. Know your audience

How to use presentation tools for marketing insights in 2022


It’s crucial to know the people you would be presenting to. For example, you would not pitch to clients the same way you would pitch at an internal meeting. In the latter, your goal is to unveil as much information as possible. In the former, your goal is to persuade the clients.

Depending on your audience, the style and tone of your presentations would vary. For a pitch deck, you need information that reflects the success of your product or service. But when you are presenting a marketing insight report, you need to address both the gaps and the accomplishments.

Knowing your audience is the first step toward using presentation tools for marketing insights. Once you have that information, you can proceed to the next steps.

2. Use the right template

How to use presentation tools for marketing insights in 2022


Templates are a godsend for anyone who wants to make an impactful presentation. Presentation makers have templates for proposals and a range of other use cases. Using the right template will make everything else significantly easier.

Choosing a template for marketing insights is easy with the right presentation tool. For most of the tools, there is a dedicated section for marketing insight templates. Choose a template that has the right combination of graphs, charts, images, and text. A good presentation is a fine balance of all these components.

Once you know your target audience and have a suitable template that satisfies your needs, you can start focusing on the more specific details.

3. Visualize data

How to use presentation tools for marketing insights in 2022


A series of numbers may not be very appealing, but if you convert that into a pie chart, it’s much easier to understand. When you are making a pitch deck, try to keep it as concise as possible. Since a picture says a thousand words, incorporate lots of pictures (and charts, graphs, Venn diagrams, etc.) in your presentations.

Visual elements not only make your presentations more appealing but also more informative. For PR professionals, conveying dry data in an informative manner is a big challenge. With the right presentation tools and data visualization, you can overcome much of this hurdle.

4. Prioritize information

Not all data points and performance metrics are equal. When you have a lot of information and data to showcase, it’s inevitable to eliminate the inessentials. That makes it important to categorize and prioritize data points based on their relevance.

When you have to cut something off, you start from the bottom of your priority list.

While it’s important to crunch the maximum amount of data in the least amount of space, it’s also important to eliminate some data altogether. It may be a tough call, but a priority list makes things easier.

5. Focus on the aesthetic elements

The whole point of specialized presentation tools is to make your reports more appealing. You cannot do that with the same old fonts and designs. If you want to continue doing that, there’s no need to look for a presentation tool in the first place.

Specialized presentation tools are a great way to boost the aesthetic elements in your presentation. With different fonts, colors, charts, layouts, and other options, you can create a stunning presentation that doesn’t look like a college assignment. Make the most of these features to make your marketing insights report stand out.

At the same time, it’s important to not overdo the visual and aesthetic elements. At the end of the day, you are creating a report that other marketers and executives would see. You don’t need to rely on aesthetics to make it effective. Simply use it as a way to make your points more convincing.

6. Maintain brand image with authentic data

Effective presentation skills are not only about what you say but also about what you can back it up with. Make sure that everything you use in a presentation including figures and stats is verified. Having incorrect information puts the reputation of a company at stake and is a big failure for its PR front.

7. Choose the right presentation maker

With dozens of presentation makers to choose from, deciding on one can become very difficult. Before you go for a particular presentation tool, do your research and competitor analysis.

Sometimes you may have to pay a small price to get access to all the features of a presentation maker. There are free options as well, but paid ones typically have better performance.

The few things to look for in a presentation maker are:

  • Ease of use
  • Price
  • Collection of templates
  • Customizability

The other metrics will depend on your needs and preferences. Always choose a presentation tool you are completely comfortable with.


Marketing insights are all about how a campaign performs. It deals with the causal relationship between actions and their results. Understanding marketing insights is crucial to driving any business to success.

Atreyee Chowdhury

Atreyee Chowdhury

Atreyee Chowdhury works full-time as a Content Manager with a Fortune 1 retail giant. She is passionate about writing and helped many small and medium-scale businesses achieve their content marketing goals with her carefully crafted and compelling content. She loves to read, travel, and experiment with different cuisines in her free time. You can follow her on LinkedIn.