North American Opportunities

Editor, WV News, https://bit.ly/3yAFo7S

Staff Writer, The Free Press, https://bit.ly/3aKp1xt

Reporter, Call Newspapers, https://bit.ly/3o1YmiZ

Osceola County Reporter, Orlando Sentinel, https://bit.ly/3PN5MT9

Editor, offthepress.com, https://bit.ly/3RGpRfE

UK Opportunities

Data Journalist, PA Media Group, https://bit.ly/3nFCzNH

Editor/Content Manager, The Lincolnite/Stonebow Media, https://bit.ly/3NYECHD

Head of Social Media and Audience Development, Hyphen, https://bit.ly/3P6ASVa

Reporters x2, Hyphen, https://bit.ly/3InlG3V