News Media (National)

Financial Times (London:) Akila Quinio (@akilalalalaa) has been named Paris Correspondent.

Mail On Sunday: Charlotte Oliver (@charsoliver) has joined as Deputy Diary Editor.

Mirror Sport: Alan Smith (@alansmith90) has been named Football Reporter.

Stella: Emily Jane Johnston (@fashionfoiegras) has been named Style Columnist.

Sunday Express: Jonathan Walker (@jonwalker121) has been appointed Deputy Political Editor.

Broadcast Media

BBC News: Gem O’Reilly (@OReillyGem) has joined as a Video Journalist and Digital Reporter.

BBC Newsnight: Stewart Maclean (@stewartmaclean) has been appointed Editor.

Jack FM: Steve Simms (@stevejsimms) has joined as Programme Controller.

Consumer Lifestyle

Freelancer: Jennifer Electro (@JenElectro) is available for commissions and is interested in beauty, events, fashion and lifestyle.

Knot, The: Esther Lee (@theestherlee) has been promoted to Deputy Editor.

Culture, Entertainment & the Arts

Kitchens Bedrooms & Bathrooms Magazine: Georgina Townshend (@gjtownshend) has been named Acting Editor.