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Results for "covid"
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AI adoption accelerated during COVID—but is it moving too fast?

COVID has accelerated the pace of artificial intelligence adoption, but many say it's moving too fast, according to new research from organization of independent professional services firms KPMG. Despite concerns about the speed of adoption, business leaders are...

Most shoppers will stick to some of their new habits post-COVID

While the pandemic concern level is finally on the decline, shoppers acknowledge it will be a long time before things return to normal. Shopping and eating behaviors dramatically changed last year, and many shoppers plan to continue those new habits post-COVID-19,...

As COVID rages, women seek positive messaging from brands

The pandemic will have a lasting effect on the outlook, behavior and psychology of women across the country, with more than half (56 percent) of women reporting that the pandemic has made them realize what is really important, namely family relationships and...