On August 21, many were looking to the sky (wearing special glasses) hoping to catch a glimpse of the first solar eclipse to cross the United States in totality in 99 years. But while eyes were up, fingers were down, tweeting about #Eclipse2017. We at Agility PR...

Micro-influencers are the future of your brand
Who’s the most influential person on Twitter? Well it’s not the account with the most followers. But you’d be forgiven for assuming so; the person with the biggest microphone is usually the loudest. But the conception that the most influential social media users are...
Beware the bots: are your Twitter influencers real or not?
In the endless search for social media mastery, Twitter holds a hallowed place among platforms. But it has probably become clear to you and your social media team that many users in the Twitterverse aren’t actually users at all. At least, not human users. Indeed, a...
PR pitches: the best times to email journalists
As a PR professional, part of your craft is constructing the perfect email to send to journalists. But be careful before you hit send; while you are no doubt an expert at producing well-written and engaging emails, you may not be quite as expert at determining the...
The hottest toys trending this Christmas
With the holidays fast approaching, both parents and children alike are in prime toy buying (and toy daydreaming) mode. So what better time to release our annual Twitter top trending toys tracker? As in previous years, we've tracked mentions of all items on this...
Measuring output: a year-over-year analysis of Movember campaigns
There were some changes around our office this November, and not just because of our rebrand to Agility PR Solutions. No, the office was also forced to endure many of our staff members flaunting their brand-new moustaches (no matter how horrible), in support of...
Neo-Nazis and New Balance: Using media analytics to improve crisis management
New Balance finds itself in a PR nightmare this month. Immediately following the presidential election results, a spokesperson for the U.S.-based athletics company came out and made a comment that many people took issue with. Now, faced with this crisis, New Balance...
Interactive News Poverty Map tracks ebb and flow of Canadian media landscape
The word "bleak" has been used a lot in recent years to define the state of Canadian media, as more and more communities find themselves underserved by their media outlets, resulting in a condition some are calling "news poverty". And the outlook doesn't seem to be...
Media briefing: the near future of media publishing
A new state of the media report released in October 2016 indicates that newsrooms should invest significantly in data analysis, social media engagement, and email distribution. “The State of the Media Industry 2017”, compiled and published by media intelligence firm...
Top mentioned Halloween costumes: creepy clowns, witches, and…Trump
Halloween is just around the corner, but before you can indulge in candy you'll have to pick your costume (if you haven't already). Never one to be left out of Halloween fun, we at MediaMiser analyzed online news for some of this year's top costumes to determine which...
The Royals on Twitter: the who and where of their visit
A week since the Royals have left Canada, and the Twitter storm has arguably come to its end. But while Will, Kate, George, and Charlotte were on Canadian soil, the storm raged. We at MediaMiser used our analysis software to analyze these tweets for mentions of where...
Debate: Trump’s hair bigger issue than gun control, immigration, or health care
Analysis shows that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump aren't shy about calling one another out. And while Monday's debate finally put them on the same stage, our Twitter analysis shows that many commenters were more concerned with Trump's appearance than policy issues....