
Comms giant Porter Novelli recently released nationally representative and inside-the-beltway survey results that revealed what most American voters and D.C. policy-insiders think about the new administration‘s trade agenda. The study revealed that 53 percent of Americans believe changes will be made to NAFTA before the 2018 midterms, yet, only a third of D.C. policy-insiders agree (33 percent).

When asked which relationship had deteriorated most since the current administration took office, 38 percent of policy-insiders believe Germany’s relationship with the U.S. has deteriorated the most, while, while most American voters are more confident in their assertion with 50 percent saying Mexico, followed by Germany at 25 percent. A close second to Germany, 36 percent of policy insiders agree with Americans that the American Mexican relationship has suffered most.

Americans’ perspectives on White House’s next trade moves

The new survey data was released as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Export Exchange (E3) Conference, where more than 40 embassies came together to engage in open-panel discussions, presentations and networking sessions that examined foreign relations and the changing landscape of global trade.

Acting U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce Israel Hernandez, Presidential Ambassador for Entrepreneurship Nina Vaca and former U.S. Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary and EVP of Porter Novelli Sean Smith were among experts who shared their insights on expanding businesses overseas and communicating strategically.

“The best practices for entering a new market: generate and understand data, develop a strong communications and public affairs plan, and think about the market you are expanding from,” said Smith. “When it comes to doing business globally or domestically, it’s important to build trust and goodwill with the audience that matters most to you.”

In addition to participating in a panel discussion on global brands and reputation management, Smith sat down with embassy leaders from Mexico, Spain, Georgia, Australia, Peru and Chile as well as the Minnesota Department of Employment, to discuss what challenges and issues each face in their markets.

“Understanding the challenges small businesses and entrepreneurs face starts with understanding the market in which they are functioning,” said Smith, in a news release. “At Porter Novelli, we work to evaluate an entire ecosystem in order to make the most precise and targeted recommendations, whether for a large corporation or a one-person shop looking to go global.”

Porter Novelli conducted an omnibus survey among 1,000 U.S. adults to gauge the opinion of the general public surrounding international trade and policy. The survey was run by Critical Mix on Thursday, June 1st with a margin of error of +/-3.1 percent.

Richard Carufel

Richard Carufel

Richard Carufel is editor of Bulldog Reporter and the Daily ’Dog, one of the web’s leading sources of PR and marketing communications news and opinions. He has been reporting on the PR and communications industry for over 17 years, and has interviewed hundreds of journalists and PR industry leaders. Reach him at richard.carufel@bulldogreporter.com; @BulldogReporter