
Our Top 10 Articles of 2017 [Most Viewed]

by | Dec 14, 2017 | Public Relations

2017 has been a year of change and growth and success for Agility PR Solutions. One thing you may have noticed was we built ourselves a nifty new home for all our PR News. We also rolled Bulldog Reporter into our blog, meaning you, our dear audience, were presented with some of the world’s best articles and insights on all things PR, Comms, and Marketing.

But in case you didn’t get a chance to read them all (tsk tsk), here’s our top 10 most viewed PR articles for the year that has been 2017, so you can gobble up the best of the best (turkey joke : /) and up your chances of starting 2018 off on the right foot.

10.  PR is in a death spiral…and bad metrics are to blame

Katie Paine knows PR measurement. She’s been in the game a long time, has seen it dip and dive, and knows what it’ll take to get PR back to where it belongs.

9. 10 client questions every PR agency should be prepared to answer

As a PR firm, you answer first and foremost to your clients. Best not to leave them wanting when they come with questions.

8. 7 ways to destroy all credibility as a PR practitioner

It can take a lifetime to build your personal PR brand, but engaging in just one of these seven practices can tear it all down in a flash.

7. Back to PR basics: Why media relations still matters

Too much jargon, not enough research, and far too little effort to actually get to know your influencers. Alex Slater wants to get back to the basics.

6. 4 PR messaging tips to improve your communications strategy

PR messaging is too important to jump in unprepared. Come, let us prepare you.

5. Build a corporate narrative people actually use—creating a great one

Is a company really a company without a corporate narrative? Discuss.

4. Our top 10 PR articles for 2016

In a wild twist, our top articles from 2016 post cracked our top articles from 2017 list!

3. 5 podcasts to which PR pros need to subscribe

Myles from our Media Insights Group promised he was going to add to this. We’ll be reminding him again.

2. How some of the best speakers of the 21st century can help your business

Good speakers are like good wine: smooth, enjoyable, and very persuasive.

1. 9 factors that help define news value for journalists

It says here that it was published in 2016. And still it was 2017’s No. 1? This one’s gotta be good.

Marcus Kaulback
Marcus is a content creator and marketer with a focus on branding and communications.


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