The right social media metrics for your business objectives

The right social media metrics for your business objectives

When it comes to designing a social media strategy – which, let’s face it, your business absolutely needs – there are two fundamental details you must have: 1. A clear focus on objectives 2. A set of metrics directly related to the set objectives Any strategy worth...

Beware the bots: are your Twitter influencers real or not?

Beware the bots: are your Twitter influencers real or not?

In the endless search for social media mastery, Twitter holds a hallowed place among platforms. But it has probably become clear to you and your social media team that many users in the Twitterverse aren’t actually users at all. At least, not human users. Indeed, a...

Looking to move away from AVEs?

Looking to move away from AVEs?

For years now, AVEs (advertising value equivalencies) have been a mainstay of measuring PR value. And why not? They lend a quantitative aura to public relations, a field that has always been difficult to measure as it espouses attributes like relationships, message...

The trouble with media monitoring

The trouble with media monitoring

As a field, as a science, media monitoring and measurement has never been more sophisticated than it is now. The benefits of listening, and then learning from the results, have been clearly established. Yet, as an article from PR Week explains, many corporate...

Are you guilty of PR data bias? What, why and how to check

Are you guilty of PR data bias? What, why and how to check

When it comes to marketing analysis, public relations has been known for output—media relationships developed, placements gained, awareness garnered, and perceptions changed. In-depth analysis and measurement of the outcomes of this output is a fairly new practice....

PR agencies are still missing out on all that Big Data has to offer

PR agencies are still missing out on all that Big Data has to offer

For many companies, big data has proven to be a godsend for booming business. Enough tech companies have molded and shaped what big data can collect and interpret for just about any industry, affirming it to be a vital tool in the big and small business worlds. Some...

5 tips for tidying up your media monitoring process

5 tips for tidying up your media monitoring process

We’d all love to “set it and forget it” as they say on that cheesy infomercial… But the truth is things change. All the time. In front of our eyes. Since spring is the time for renewal, now is an ideal time to re-examine your media monitoring program. Fortunately you...

3 ways ad blocking will affect PR pros

3 ways ad blocking will affect PR pros

As the digital world has exploded, there has always been a slightly enviable view that PR professionals bestow upon their ad industry brethren. There is lowered client pressure to make placements, as ad spots tend to be guaranteed by their nature (although I’ll remain...

The PR campaign: Getting it right

The PR campaign: Getting it right

  “When you know better, you do better.” Maya Angelou’s powerful advice rings true for any PR professional who has watched their big campaign tank. When late hours and big bucks add up to a whole lot of nothing, it’s easy to get discouraged. But the truth is,...

Why PR professionals should focus less on impressions

Why PR professionals should focus less on impressions

It’s no secret that the public relations industry receives a bad rep for how it demonstrates its value in terms of sales and consumer interest. I don’t necessary disagree with that statement. Who actually looks at online impressions anymore as a metric? Before I made...

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