media relations
5 answers to why reporters ask tough questions

5 answers to why reporters ask tough questions

I’ve conducted hundreds of media training classes over the past 15 years, so few questions surprise me anymore. Several years ago, however, a trainee asked a question that I had never heard: “What’s their motivation?” I had heard actors express a similar question...

5 media-training takeaways from the Democratic Debate

5 media-training takeaways from the Democratic Debate

Regardless of political affiliation or which presidential candidate you support, Thursday’s Democratic Debate was a case study in stage presence. There are many do’s and don’ts for giving a great on-camera interview, some of which we saw in the debate. A candidate...

Meet the Media—Q&A with Abrar Al-Heeti of CNET

Meet the Media—Q&A with Abrar Al-Heeti of CNET

As part of PRSA’s mission to advance the PR profession and the professional, we bring you our next Meet the Media Q+A profile. In this Q+A, we speak with Abrar Al-Heeti, Staff Reporter at CNET Culture to learn more about the work she does on a daily basis, how to best...

Once upon a time… how to make your storytelling impactful

Once upon a time… how to make your storytelling impactful

Think about some of the things you will fondly remember forever. Chances are there were stories connected with them that touched your heart. Astute nonprofits recognized the power of storytelling way before corporations and have been leveraging that to secure large...

4 reasons why business marketers need earned media

4 reasons why business marketers need earned media

Paid media, owned media, and earned media are three major forms of business marketing. Although paid media and owned media are more under your control, fusing earned media into this concoction is key for stellar marketing and promotion. HubSpot defines earned media as...

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