North American Opportunities

Copy Editor/Page Designer Night Side, Steinman Communications, https://bit.ly/3agiWIF

Managing Editor, Wyoming Newspaper Inc, https://bit.ly/38OcDf6

Staff Writer, Palo Pinto Communications LP, https://bit.ly/3xfhrUj

Reporter, The Record-Review, https://bit.ly/3zh9XkW

Freelance Arts and Culture Writer, Epoch Times, https://bit.ly/3NeM69O

UK Opportunities

Editor, TheBusinessDesk.com, https://bit.ly/3wou4f5

Sub-Editor, Coalville Times, https://bit.ly/3NDVbZF

Reporter, My Local News, https://bit.ly/3wAqFZx

Football Writers x5, GRV Media, https://bit.ly/38Bdlw3

Discovery Team Reporter, Lifestyle Reporter, Social Media Editor, Jam Press, applications to ben@jampress.co.uk