News Media (National)

Daily Mail, The: Ted Verity (@DailyMailUK) replaces Geordie Greig as Editor. Geordie continues as a Consultant Editor.

News Media (Regional)

Irish Examiner: Rachel Martin (@agrirach) has been named Farming Editor.

Reading Chronicle: Katie French (@journokatie) has been appointed Regional Editor across Bucks Free Press, Reading Chronicle, Slough Observer, and Bracknell News.

Broadcast Media

Bauer Media: Olivia Mounsor (@oliviamounsor) has been appointed Bulletin Editor.

Business & Commerce

Business Live: Jo Robinson (@jonrobinsonnews) has been named North West Business Editor (Interim).

Consumer Lifestyle

Freelancer: Rachel Peacock (@rachael-perrett-peacock) will be available for commissions from January 3rd.

Freelancer: Stuart McGurk (@stuartmcgurk) is available for commissions. He covers art, culture, gadgets and politics.

Hitched.co.uk: Zoe Burk (@zoeburke) has been named Editor.

Hello:! Fiona Ward (@wordsbyward) has left to freelance. She covers beauty, fashion and lifestyle.

Culture, Entertainment & the Arts

Freelancer: Gabrielle Schwarz (@gtschwarz) is available for commissions. She covers art, books, galleries, the arts.

Monocle Magazine: Josh Fehnert (@monoclemag) has been promoted to Editor.

Sports & Leisure

Cricketer, The: George Dobell (@georgedobell1) has been appointed Senior Correspondent.