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Results for "Corporate social responsibility"
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How positive brand image converts to customer loyalty

“Build your brand.” How many times have you heard those words? It’s become fashionable to talk about creating a positive brand image. The problem is this: Too many business owners think about their brand in a surface-level way. Building your brand isn’t only about...

PRSSA welcomes newest chapter at Fairfield University 

PRSSA, the foremost organization for students interested in the public relations and communications fields, announced the establishment of a new Chapter at Fairfield University. This marks the sixth school in Connecticut to be affiliated with PRSSA, joining nearly 375...

Why PR is no longer the underdog

I’ve never understood why PR has been considered marketing’s second cousin. I suppose the only rationale I can give is because PR is more of marathon than a sprint, taking longer to show ROI and more difficult to measure. But its value is so much greater than any...