
The Chicago Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA Chicago) announced its 2023 president, executive committee and board of directors. The chapter elected Naomi Adams, VP of communications for the Financial Health Network and former leader of PRSA Memphis, as 2023 President.  Also elected was Kayee Ip, MS senior manager, governance communications, College of American Pathologists, who will be serving as the 2023 President-Elect and agency and brand leaders from Susan G. Komen, Flowers Communications Group, Current Global, Edelman and more. Immediate past-present Natasha Vuppuluri will remain on the executive committee.

The names of the 2023 PRSA Chicago Officers appear in the news release.

“PRSA Chicago has been the resource for Chicagoland communicators for 75 years, and in 2023 we will continue to support our members, who are a reflection of the diverse talent and organizations within our community, via education and learning opportunities as well as networking and engagement,” said Adams. “The Chapter will continue to promote diversity and inclusion, celebrate and lift up groundbreaking and influential work, and be a resource for communicators as we continue to navigate unprecedented changes.”

PRSA Chicago’s key initiatives include the annual Skyline Awards, Chicago’s premier public relations and communications awards competition, celebrating creativity and innovation in public relations and showcasing business impact and results. Communications professionals in the Greater Chicagoland area are encouraged to submit their best work, completed between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2022, for a chance to be recognized. Learn more about the program, entry details and deadlines here.

Other important initiatives include the PRSA Chicago Michelle Flowers Diversity Fellowship Program, which awards four individual $2,500 scholarships to talented public relations, journalism, communications students of color (applications available here) and the PRSA Chicago Mentorship Program. Focusing on DE&I and mentoring young professionals are important to support the PR professionals of tomorrow.

About PRSA Chicago

PRSA Chicago and its Board of Directors aim to advance the profession of public relations, promote high professional and ethical standards and build the reputation of the profession in the Chicago area through chapter programming, events and initiatives. To learn more or to apply for a membership, visit PRSAChicago.com. Stay connected with us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.