Perplexed. Bewildered. Confounded. These are how the masses are feeling after learning that the Chicago White Sox renamed their stadium from US Cellular Field ━a moniker that earned it the adorable nickname of “The Cell” ━ to the slightly less inspiring Guaranteed...

Amazing Race Canada S4E8: Cuban Crickets and Machete Madness
Cigars, rum, beaches, various Castros, and Canadians running amok across Havana ━ for a brief time yesterday, this is what Cuba was, as the Amazing Race Canada made the largest Caribbean island its destination for Episode 8. But despite Cuba’s offerings, despite the...
Amazing Race Canada S4E5: The #FirstNationsSensations tour Haida Gwaii
As the contestants landed in Haida Gwaii this week for Episode 5, #FirstNationsSensations Joel and Ashley looked poised to continue their run of being the most popular team on Twitter. And they didn’t disappoint...that much. While they still earned the most mentions...
Amazing Race Canada S4E4: Is Emoji the Language of Marketing?
Having cut their TV teeth on Big Brother Canada, Jillian and Emmett are the famous ones in this year’s version of Amazing Race Canada. Season 4’s version of Hal and Joanne, if you will. Like Hal and Joanne ━ who were eliminated in Episode 5 of Season 1 ━ Jillian and...
Amazing Race Canada S4E3: Social media engagement is crucial – thanks, Captain Obvious
A funny thing happened last night when ARC left Canada’s shores: Twitter clammed up. Using our patented Enterprise software, MediaMiser was able to track all show-related tweets the day of airing, and found that the numbers were down by 32 per cent from Episode 2, and...
Amazing Race Canada S4E2: Calgary Mayor Nenshi, a one-man dream team of social promotion
Now in our fourth year of watching and analyzing the Amazing Race Canada, we’ve noticed a few things. One of these things is that, without fail, the second episode of each season attracts less social enthusiasm than the premiere. With all the promotion and...
3 ways PR pros can benefit from Twitter’s latest changes
Since its IPO in 2013, Twitter has been hounded by criticisms that it simply doesn’t know how to grow its user base or revenues. So, in an effort to improve its product and become more widely consumed and digested, while also being wary of not alienating its vocal...
The Fort McMurray Fire and Ecuador earthquake: Is U.S. media paying attention?
Northeastern Alberta continues to burn. Nineteen days after the blaze that has devastated Fort McMurray began at the beginning of May, it has grown to unimaginable proportions, the latest estimate being 877,000 acres (or roughly four times the size of New York City)....
From disaster come stories of incredible compassion: #FortMacFire
Alberta is experiencing some of the worst wildfires Canada has ever seen, the size and intensity of which are hard to comprehend. The city of Fort McMurray has been utterly devastated by the fires, which have grown to cover over 100,000 hectares (roughly the size of...
A meaty controversy: The people of Alberta v Earls
On April 28, Earls Restaurant Ltd. announced it would no longer source from Canadian farms any of the two million pounds of beef it sells every year, after its demand for Certified Humane produce could no longer be met by Alberta ranchers. Certified Humane standards...
A bloody mess: Tracking Twitter reaction to the Theranos criminal investigation
Theranos is in the spotlight again, and this time the news is the bleakest it’s been. Once the most popular kid in Silicon Valley, the biotech startup now finds itself the subject of a criminal investigation by U.S. federal agencies ━ including the Department of...
PR Lessons from the Brazil Tourism Board
Brazil has had a very rough 2016. So rough in fact, that John Oliver’s latest rant, this one on the country’s recent travails, made just one passing mention of the Zika virus (focusing more on ongoing political turmoil in the country). But Zika has dominated the...