
Elizabeth Wilkens

Elizabeth Wilkens
How CRM insights inform PR strategies for improved communication

How CRM insights inform PR strategies for improved communication

Unlocking the potential of how CRM insights inform PR strategies for improved communication is a dynamic journey. As PR professionals, we understand that harnessing the power of customer relationship management data can be a game-changer. So, let’s get into the...

Humanizing your brand: The important role of authenticity in PR

Humanizing your brand: The important role of authenticity in PR

When you want to do marketing, it’s essential to understand the pivotal role of authenticity in PR. Nowadays, authenticity has emerged as the linchpin that can make or break a brand's reputation. So, let’s slowly go through everything you need to be aware of in order...

The future of public relations: AI and automation in the industry

The future of public relations: AI and automation in the industry

Public relations, an industry historically characterized by human ingenuity and personal touch, is undergoing a transformative revolution. The powerful synergy of AI and automation in PR lies at the heart of this transformation. As technology progressively embeds...

5 key elements of a successful PR campaign

5 key elements of a successful PR campaign

Navigating the complex world of public relations can be a daunting task for any business. As the marketplace becomes increasingly crowded, companies must find ways to differentiate themselves and make a lasting impression on their target audience. That's where a...

5 outdated PR strategies you need to avoid using

5 outdated PR strategies you need to avoid using

In the world of PR today, traditional tactics just don't cut it anymore. With the rise of digital technology and a massive shift in audience behavior, the time has come to embrace new strategies. The type that will help you reach your PR goals. In case you're still...

7 awesome travel PR campaigns of 2022

7 awesome travel PR campaigns of 2022

Most travel marketers will tell you that developing an effective marketing plan is one of the biggest challenges there is. There's a lot of rivalry for customers' attention among the many travel agents, airlines, and hotels out there. This is why many ads that aim to...

7 top fashion PR and marketing trends for 2023

7 top fashion PR and marketing trends for 2023

People can't seem to get enough of fashion. This industry has grown immensely in the last few years, and it doesn't show signs of stopping. One of the contributing factors is the rise of digitization, which was brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. People could no...