crisis communications
How to Prepare For, Respond to and Resolve a Crisis in 2021

How to Prepare For, Respond to and Resolve a Crisis in 2021

After the year we all had, it should come as no surprise that crisis communications has become more important to PR. In fact, 73 percent of respondents to a survey Agility PR Solutions ran in December said so. There’s a lot that can be said, and has been said, about...

It’s too late for crisis communications in Flint, Michigan

It’s too late for crisis communications in Flint, Michigan

Over the past few weeks, we’ve watched as details around the water crisis in Flint, MI have emerged. Cover-ups regarding the amount of lead in the water to the blatant denial by government officials have resulted in very sick families, a state of emergency and a...

Powerball and the importance of issues management

Powerball and the importance of issues management

If a well-thought-out strategic plan is in place and an organization has the capabilities to support it, it will allows the organization to adapt both to opportunities and issues that present themselves. But what does all this have to do with Powerball?

Being proactive with your online reputation

Being proactive with your online reputation

This has been the year of crisis management in PR. From Volkswagen’s emissions scandal, to ex-Subway mascot Jared Fogle’s “mild pedophelia,” companies are seeking best practices for building and implementing their online reputation management strategies. And with...

Volkswagen crisis: Sometimes an apology just isn’t enough

Volkswagen crisis: Sometimes an apology just isn’t enough

I offered some thoughts this week on the PR value of an apology, to a reporter with The Chicago Tribune. That got me thinking…when won’t an apology suffice? A sincere mea culpa has always been one cornerstone of any crisis communications plan, but there are times when...

Building a good crisis management strategy

Building a good crisis management strategy

Not all news is good news, particularly when it’s a crisis involving your client’s company. No matter how long it took for a brand to build credibility, it can all be washed away with one swift wave of negative press. With agencies of record often not specializing in...

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