Crisis can be critical. It can wreck a business in terms of lost income and disruption to key processes. From a public relations perspective, they can be especially injurious. This is because a business beset with incapacitating disasters will not present a good look...
Beyond damage control: 8 proactive approaches to reputation crisis management
As a PR pro, you’ve seen how a strong brand reputation can foster customer trust and encourage business success. You’ve also seen how reputational damage can negatively affect customer sentiment and a business’s bottom line. That’s why it’s your job to help your...
4 reasons why a crisis communication plan is so important
As negative headlines begin to dominate news outlets, social media buzzes with speculation, and phones ring incessantly with concerned stakeholders from an organization engulfed in crisis. The situation starts threatening the company's reputation, financial stability,...
Crisis management: How to restore your company’s reputation after legal challenges
Almost every company deals with a crisis at some point in their years of operation. This often includes legal issues, too. Whether it’s litigation or non-compliance with certain business laws, legal challenges can take hold at any moment. The key is to always be...
Adaptability and flexibility in PR crises: Tips and insights for maintaining agility
Public relations professionals understand the delicate dance of managing a brand's image. But when a crisis erupts, meticulously crafted plans can be thrown into disarray. Negative headlines erupt, public sentiment sours, and the pressure to respond mounts. In these...
2024 state of risk: With a marked decrease in risk management over the last year, are we seeing a reckless backslide in an era of high risk?
Risk abounds in the business world these days—with Ai deployments moving quickly and AI skillsets developing slowly, many companies are rolling the dice with sensitive data and infrastructural vulnerability as table stakes. That’s just one of several threats lurking...
Public relations strategies during an urban flooding crisis
In times of natural disasters such as floods, the role of public relations becomes critically important in managing the information flow, maintaining public morale, and restoring the community's trust. Urban areas, with their dense populations and complex...
5 ways to manage a PR crisis caused by supply chain disruptions
A supply chain can get interrupted due to several factors—geopolitical issues, bad weather, natural calamities, war or internal conflict, cyberattacks, workforce strikes, etc. This disruption put severe pressure on the companies and their logistical partners to...
5 things to consider if a rough PR crisis makes you think about doing a full rebrand
Imagine you worked on a campaign for months, went through endless iterations, and launched it, only to find yourself under heavy public fire. This has actually happened with some of the world’s most famous brands—Pepsi’s Kendall Jenner campaign, and most recently, a...
How PR support saves brands in a crisis: Strategies for all stakeholders
In an era of constant connection, the reputation of a brand can be as delicate as porcelain. An unfortunate step, faulty product, or unhappy customer with significant social media influence can ignite a public relations disaster, producing tremors that may reverberate...
The role of PR in crisis management during a cybersecurity breach
We live in a world of digitalization that rapidly switches from physical paperwork to electronic. That creates massive amounts of data you need to store and protect. Cybersecurity knows numerous ways to keep terabytes of vulnerable information safe. Nonetheless,...
Proactive crisis management: 4 steps for developing a robust response plan
One of the main traits successful PR professionals share is their ability to respond to a crisis situation. In fact, they already know how they’re going to respond to potential crises. This isn’t because they’ve tackled enough problems to always know what to do....