media relations
State of the media: How to tell a story that resonates

State of the media: How to tell a story that resonates

As PR pros, we’re conditioned to adapt our stories to whatever is happening in the world around us. Sometimes, the appropriate way to approach a pitch or a briefing can change in a matter of minutes. It’s our job to relate our clients and their brand narratives to...

Who’s got the answers? Three PR industry obstacles in 2021  

Who’s got the answers? Three PR industry obstacles in 2021  

PR practitioners have always faced challenges. It’s part of what makes working in the industry so rewarding. But according to the responses we received to a survey back in June, there are a few challenges PR pros would really like the solutions to, especially as parts...

6 top ways to get busy journalists to cover your brand

6 top ways to get busy journalists to cover your brand

In one day, reporters and editors receive over 50 emails. To get coverage or generate interest, your pitch needs to add value, be timely and you need to follow up properly. Whether you are looking to get interviews for your spokesperson, feature on a community news...

8 tips for a more effective media interview

8 tips for a more effective media interview

Except for formats such as newsmagazines, long-form journalism, and some podcasts, most media interviews—and the articles or news segments that follow—are quick hits. Your TV interview might be boiled down to a seven-second quote. Your 10-minute interview with a...

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