3 ways to use generative AI to craft an impactful PR strategy

3 ways to use generative AI to craft an impactful PR strategy

PR professionals spend countless hours curating content, ensuring consistent messaging, and engaging with stakeholders across various channels. This process, while effective, is often time-consuming, requiring a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the...

How to leverage local PR tactics for global impact

How to leverage local PR tactics for global impact

PR strategies are ever-changing and constantly required to adjust to the latest local insights and cultural sensitivities. This forces PR professionals to stay flexible and conduct constant research to stay ahead of the curve. Building winning global campaigns has...

PR lessons from the Trump trial: A tale of two mavericks

PR lessons from the Trump trial: A tale of two mavericks

There were important lessons that PR practitioners should learn and remember from the trial of former President Donald J. Trump, some of which relate to my almost 25 years at Burson-Marsteller (now BCW), 10 years at Arthur Cantor/Advance Public Relations, at that time...

5 effective PR strategies for small businesses in 2024

5 effective PR strategies for small businesses in 2024

Small businesses might have the impression that there’s no need to worry about having a PR strategy—if you build it they will come, and all that. But the reality is that this is just as much a part of being profitable whether you’re operating on a local scale or...

5 ways AI is changing PR for businesses and communications teams

5 ways AI is changing PR for businesses and communications teams

AI is here and it’s not showing any signs of going anywhere soon. So communicators need to look at AI as a tool that can support, speed up, and even improve the way you work, including how you manage your PR strategy. Crucially, AI is changing the way searches are...

PR tools head-to-head: Comparing digital adoption platforms

PR tools head-to-head: Comparing digital adoption platforms

When running a PR campaign, like it or not you’re going to be using a lot of software. That’s easy if you’re computer savvy or maybe an early adopter of new technology. But there are people who are great at PR content, copywriting, analytics, and dealing with...

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