Being a public relations professional isn’t easy. At the best of times, you’re called upon to be the face and voice of your company, delivering messages to media members and employees alike. However, in times of crisis, from workplace accidents to accusations of...
What your customers want to see in your business
Having a successful business means interacting with customers and suppliers and giving them what they want. You need to have the necessary skills to speak with people and get your message across while remaining open to opinions and criticism. You have to be willing to...
5 public relations tips for health and fitness products
It can seem like every other day there is a new health or fitness product in the news either being launched or being rocked with scandal. Navigating the market as a health and fitness brand can be challenging, and knowing how to keep your public relations on point can...
5 ways companies are giving back during the COVID crisis
The world is facing unprecedented economic and health challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to infect thousands of people. Companies around the world have been faced with the challenge of adapting to rapidly changing economic conditions, the need to protect...
6 surefire ways strong PR can build your business
As a business owner, you want to get your name out there. You want to attract new customers and keep the ones you already have. A good marketing strategy can help you to reach your target market. Common tactics that many businesses use include search engine...
4 tips for staying connected to the world while working from home
Working from home has both advantages and disadvantages. Many people choose to work from home, but with the recent health concerns, this has become a common occurrence for many more people out of necessity. Whatever thereason for your work location, you need to make...
5 reasons why a customer-centric focus is valuable for your brand
Ask yourself this question: can your business survive without customers? Most business professionals will say no. Customers are valuable for a number of reasons and will sustain your business, which will be discussed within this article. Customer feedback provides...
4 engaging PR strategies to improve your business performance
Developing a strong PR strategy is key to running a successful business. How your company is perceived by the public plays a big part in how well you perform. These days, consumers are less likely to patronize an establishment that has what they perceive to be a bad...
Why happy employees are key for your business success
You put your all into your business and want it to succeed. You have an amazing product or service and you’ve put a lot into marketing. While desire, research, and getting your name out there are all important for your success, there’s something else that’s just as...
Climbing the PR ladder—5 essential skills for public relations pros
Public relations is an all-round career. Other than a college degree, the PR industry requires professionals to arm themselves with various skills to remain competitive. Thanks to the significant shifts and advancements that the industry has undergone in recent years,...
3 ways marketing teams can boost public relations
A good brand will likely remain the same—good, not great—unless its marketability is boosted. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs often make the mistake of letting the fruits of their hard work slip into anonymity. It’s time marketers access their target market with...
7 steps to creating a successful PR strategy for your business
Getting the word out about a new product launch, store opening or major announcement is a critical piece of growing a business. But in a world of nonstop marketing messages, how do you cut through the noise and make sure a message stands out? The key is to create a...