
Elizabeth Wilkens

Elizabeth Wilkens
PR challenges CRM software can solve

PR challenges CRM software can solve

PR is an advanced industry, present worldwide. However, there are many hurdles in the process of public relations, and PR agents have to deal with them all the time. One of the most successful recipes for any business is to find effective solutions as quickly as...

5 of the smartest tactics for social media management

5 of the smartest tactics for social media management

One of the biggest challenges brands face is keeping up with the ever-evolving trends in social media management. For them to stay in the race and continue receiving increasingly limited attention in the increasingly competitive environment, coming up with new social...

How to combine digital PR with SEO for outstanding results

How to combine digital PR with SEO for outstanding results

To understand how to successfully combine digital PR with SEO for outstanding results, it is vital to know the main differences between these two areas. While digital PR focuses on building brand awareness through communication with PR agencies, bloggers, journalists,...

Marketing and PR trends that are impacting the Fintech industry

Marketing and PR trends that are impacting the Fintech industry

To succeed in the harsh world of digital advertising, you need to focus on more than the industry in which you operate. Marketing strategies constantly require makeovers based on the latest trends, technology development, new analytics, and, more importantly, customer...

Combining traditional PR and digital marketing for success

Combining traditional PR and digital marketing for success

The expansion of the Internet has changed the ways we receive information, engage and interact with brands and with media. Digital marketing and public relations are two areas that go hand-in-hand. To succeed in today’s business world, brands need to combine the best...

What are the most effective B2B marketing strategies in 2020?

What are the most effective B2B marketing strategies in 2020?

The approach to a company’s marketing depends on a wide variety of factors, including the niche the company works in. However, marketing is an incredibly dynamic field across all industries. There are constantly new tools and techniques appearing on the...

5 reasons why your business’s PR could benefit from CRM

5 reasons why your business’s PR could benefit from CRM

These days, customer relationship management is an integral part of running any kind of business. CRM software solutions present a more efficient way to organize PR work and all types of interactions with current clients and potential leads. CRM shouldn’t be viewed as...

How the coronavirus crisis is affecting digital marketing

How the coronavirus crisis is affecting digital marketing

The recent coronavirus outbreak has strongly affected all life spheres and brought significant changes in people’s lifestyles. As one might expect, this has had a very powerful impact on the global economy as well. While a lot of businesses are closing down and losing...

How to find the right PR office manager for your company

How to find the right PR office manager for your company

One of the essentials required for running a successful business is good management. When it comes to public relations, it is of utmost importance to have qualified and experienced staff and someone who can manage them in the best way. When PR strategies fail, the...

How to recognize valuable traits in remote workers

How to recognize valuable traits in remote workers

In the past two decades, remote work has become extremely popular worldwide. Many companies have introduced remote work policies for their workers and some of them have even given up the physical office altogether. Telecommuting has multiple benefits for the employer...

Emerging technologies that will transform digital marketing in 2020

Emerging technologies that will transform digital marketing in 2020

The rapid pace of technology development has definitely ushered a new age when it comes to business. More exciting new technologies have been invented in the past half-century than in the past two millennia! Not only has this fast-paced advancement changed every...

Solid strategies for extending the online reach of your blog

Solid strategies for extending the online reach of your blog

Creating some great content is the first step in making your blog successful. But having the most interesting blog posts in the world doesn't mean a thing if they do not reach the right customers. Increasing the loading speed is just one of the things you can do....