Media database
3 tips on amplifying media outreach

3 tips on amplifying media outreach

One of the most challenging aspects of any campaign is amplifying media outreach. And one of the most challenging aspects of amplifying media outreach is building effective relationships with the right contacts. But like most difficult things, it’s worth the effort,...

Build vs. buy: the ultimate media database question

Build vs. buy: the ultimate media database question

Back in November I had the pleasure of attending the FIBEP World Media Intelligence Congress in Washington, DC. Spending three days surrounded by some of the smartest people in the media intelligence (MI) field can be incredibly overwhelming -- and rewarding. One...

The evolution of the media database

The evolution of the media database

Over the last several years, metrics around media contact databases have gone from an evaluation based solely on volume to one surrounding accuracy. As any PR professional who has been in the industry long enough remembers, printed guides used to be the go-to tools...

How (not) to pitch a blogger

How (not) to pitch a blogger

I like to write and I like to eat. As a result of these two interests, I’ve been blogging about dining out and cooking since 2009. Because of that, pitches from fellow PR folks often land in my inbox. When I receive good pitches that align with my interests, I try to...

Using geographic scope to refine your media lists

Using geographic scope to refine your media lists

When building media lists, many PR and communications agencies/departments implement an audience-classification system based on consumer demographics, industry segments and job functions, and then apply these categories to media outlets. But to complete the task of...

Journalists want branded content and visual story ideas

Journalists want branded content and visual story ideas

For many of us who check email from our beds, the grocery store and our kids’ soccer games, inbox addiction is very real. In today’s mobile world, we rely on our inboxes to keep us informed, entertained and connected. Email even keeps us tethered to the office and...

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