How to implement a content audit for your brand

How to implement a content audit for your brand

The internet runs on content. Whether you’re in media, construction, or automatic call distribution, content is the key to raising your brand. Content builds brand visibility, it boosts your SEO, customers love it, and all the best marketers are investing in content...

How to combine content marketing and PR for maximum results

How to combine content marketing and PR for maximum results

Effective content marketing and public relations campaigns may distinguish your business and significantly influence campaign success. That being said, most companies typically focus on them separately. However, if you were to combine them, you would be able to...

Content marketing in the metaverse: How does it work?

Content marketing in the metaverse: How does it work?

We're living in the dawn of the age of the metaverse. This is a time when virtual reality and augmented reality are no longer figments of our imagination or topics of popular science fiction movies but viable methods of communication and engagement. In this brave new...

The legitimacy of owned media—and how PR execs should react

The legitimacy of owned media—and how PR execs should react

Elon Musk’s recent move to buy Twitter for $44 billion has been one of the biggest stories of the year. Despite the seemingly unending drama, the proposed deal has huge implications for the social media world. On its own, the foundering Twitter transaction may not...

4 powerful tips to create an authentic PR campaign

4 powerful tips to create an authentic PR campaign

The best PR campaigns are the well-planned ones. There is no way around this. The more effort you put into your campaigns, the better results you can expect. After all, a great PR campaign isn’t just a single post on social media or press release, it’s a multi-channel...

The one PR to rule them all: Writing an international press release

The one PR to rule them all: Writing an international press release

Press releases are far from dead. In fact, they are more effective than ever before. With 78 percent of journalists saying that they prefer press releases over other types of content, you know press releases are here to stay. Also, 89 percent of Americans prefer to...

Tips for small businesses for successfully creating video content

Tips for small businesses for successfully creating video content

Many owners of new or small businesses can utilize video content, but most of them avoid it simply because they don't know how to do it or because they don't feel comfortable in front of the camera. Fortunately, there are ways for business owners to create video...

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