Big data: Leveraging data blending

Big data: Leveraging data blending

Data analytics firm Alteryx this week released a survey from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services on how companies are leveraging data blending to uncover business insights, even as Big Data sources continue to grow at an unprecedented rate. The survey, which...

Why PR professionals should focus less on impressions

Why PR professionals should focus less on impressions

It’s no secret that the public relations industry receives a bad rep for how it demonstrates its value in terms of sales and consumer interest. I don’t necessary disagree with that statement. Who actually looks at online impressions anymore as a metric? Before I made...

5 ways to ensure successful data-driven marketing

5 ways to ensure successful data-driven marketing

Marketers love data. In a survey by GlobalDMA and the Winterberry Group, 77% of marketers are confident in using data-driven approaches to drive growth and better customer experiences. The biggest drivers of increased use of data-driven marketing include: 53% - A need...

Majority of companies using Big Data analytics see higher returns

Majority of companies using Big Data analytics see higher returns

The results of a new global study commissioned by CA Technologies reveals that enterprise Big Data strategies are delivering key benefits to organizations, despite noted challenges in implementation. Most notably, nine in 10 organizations are experiencing or...

How to leverage Big Data to build customer trust and loyalty

How to leverage Big Data to build customer trust and loyalty

Companies Need to Leverage Data and Analytics to Be More Predictive Just as companies are now able to access unprecedented insights about their customers thanks to data analytics, customers also have more information available than ever before to assist them in their...

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