
Election media coverage: Liberal victory felt far beyond Canada’s borders

by | Oct 20, 2015 | Traditional Media

Canada elected a new government last night—that of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals—and the effects were felt far beyond the country’s borders, according to international media coverage of the historic victory.

International coverage of last night’s result was most prominent in the U.S., garnering 75 per cent of all international coverage analyzed. But Australia, France and the UK also ran a noteworthy number of stories—in the double-digits, as of the morning of October 20—on last night’s result.


For a country that’s not quite used to making international media waves, today is a chance for Canadians to soak it all in: From the BBC, to the Guardian, to the New York Times, international onlookers from a range of countries framed Trudeau’s win in dramatic terms.

The BBC classified last night’s result as a “stunning comeback”, while The Guardian called it a “dramatic victory”.

The New York Times, for its part, said the victory “re-established the (Liberals) as a national force.”

All these outlets featured heavy coverage of the Canadian election on the front pages of their websites.

A screenshot of BBC News the morning of Oct. 20.

A screenshot of BBC News the morning of Oct. 20.

The news, however, didn’t take the same precedence in non English-speaking media across the globe.

A screenshot of Le Monde online the morning of Oct. 20.

A screenshot of Le Monde online the morning of Oct. 20.


Outlets from most non English-speaking European countries either did not mention the election result this morning or did so in extremely low numbers. Meanwhile, the most popular newspapers in France mentioned the election often, but did not give it nearly the same prominence on their front pages.

At any rate, it’s now safe to assume much of the world—the English-speaking world, at least—is now aware of Canada’s change in government.


Jim Donnelly
Jim Donnelly graduated with a BA in History/English from Wilfrid Laurier University and a MJ from Carleton University. Jim heads Agility PR Solutions’ Media Insights Group which oversees the production of public and client media analysis reports and infographics. Jim was previously editor of the Ottawa Business Journal and related publications such as Ottawa Technology Magazine and Meeting in the Capital.