
5 tips on crafting an award-winning entry

by | Jan 9, 2018 | Branding, Public Relations

The Bulldog Awards are competitive, so it’s important for applicants to put their best foot forward. Here are some tips based on my judging of the Bulldog Stars of PR Awards.

Supporting documents and videos are helpful

And it’s even better if there’s a reference in the application to what the judge should look for, such as “We helped client X achieve Y—for more, see supporting document Z.” This ups the odds of the judge being able to appreciate the supporting documents.

When attaching images and/or videos, ensure that you use your highest quality content

Also, double check that this content aligns with your entry. For example, are only white males featured in a video for a company that claims to value diversity? Does your voice-over use excessive corporate jargon? Are you making a case for your services, or reiterating meaningless accolades?

Data matters

The Bulldog Awards values numbers and specific metrics. We understand that in some cases the numbers might not be clear, however, the best entries will get creative with it and offer facts or details related to the actual results of their campaign instead of simply calling it “successful”.

On the other hand, as a judge I want specifics

Wherever possible, include exact numbers. Don’t hesitate to list what you’d consider “basic” metrics either!

Build in time for the application to be reviewed by others

Proofread. Twice. Print your application out and take a red pen to it. In one application alone a client’s name was misspelled, a date was incorrect, a sentence lacked punctuation and commas were woefully abused. It’s hard for a judge to move past that.




Elizabeth Leis Newman
Elizabeth Leis Newman has been the senior editor at McKnight's Long-Term Care News since March 2011. She was previously the editorial manager at LifeBridge Health in Baltimore, and before that was a reporter for Capital-Gazette newspapers in Annapolis. She is a graduate of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. Originally from Virginia, Elizabeth now lives in Chicago with her husband and four cats.


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