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Results for "Influencers"
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7 ways influencers have changed marketing strategies

Did you know that 92 percent of Gen Z trust influencers more than celebrities? Influencer marketing has changed the way that brands market to customers. There have also been changes in how brands, influencers, and platforms approach this method. Influencer marketing...

New research shows influencers’ screen time is shockingly high

The amount of time spent on mobile devices these days is pretty incredible, and you might expect that influencers probably spend more time online than the average person. But new research from Danish influencer-focused marketing firm Influencer Agency reveals some...

Majority of consumers prefer micro-level social media influencers

A new survey from PR and social media agency Uproar PR addresses the growing interest in influencer marketing—and finds that even though they may have smaller audiences, micro-influencers deliver big results when it comes to impacting consumer decisions. The research...

Why influencers ignore your emails—and what to do about it

The rise of influencer marketing has presented a huge opportunity for PR firms—and is slowly transforming the industry. Now, social media influencers are the people helping to shape the thinking and opinion of the masses, and they typically have a band of loyal...

Tips for attracting the right influencers to your business

The demand for influencers who have the necessary credentials to get behind your brand and make a genuine difference to your marketing is still rising, but the most influential bloggers, vloggers, and celebrities are often over-subscribed with invitations to publicize...