We’ve been in the media monitoring game for a long time, and over the years we've seen many creative and effective ways organizations and PR agencies leverage media monitoring. We'd like to share some of the most tried and true ways that organizations, even your...
Neo-Nazis and New Balance: Using media analytics to improve crisis management
New Balance finds itself in a PR nightmare this month. Immediately following the presidential election results, a spokesperson for the U.S.-based athletics company came out and made a comment that many people took issue with. Now, faced with this crisis, New Balance...
The No Man’s Sky debacle: 3 ways to guard against rogue employees
Video games have come a long way since the days of Bonk’s Adventure and Lode Runner, but sometimes they still manage to disappoint. Unfortunately, No Man’s Sky from developer Hello Games has been one such game. After a seriously impressive teaser and a tonne of hype,...
Where Wells Fargo Went Wrong—A Crisis Communications Commentary
By Tom Lee, Senior Partner, 451 Marketing With the whirlwind of controversy currently surrounding Wells Fargo and its newly retired CEO & President John Stumpf, it’s frighteningly possible to forget that seven short years ago, the institution played a key role in...
5 reasons organizations should digitize their crisis communications plans
When faced with a fast-moving crisis, organizations need to be ready to respond at lightning speed. Traditionally, PR executives have used hard-copy crisis communication plans to determine next steps in addressing the media during an emergency. However, these plans...
8 crucial lessons in crisis communications
Crisis communications management isn’t a “one-and-done” effort — it's a fluid strategy that continues to evolve as a business uncovers new potential risks, acquires a better understanding of its competitive landscape through media monitoring, and learns from previous...
It’s too late for crisis communications in Flint, Michigan
Over the past few weeks, we’ve watched as details around the water crisis in Flint, MI have emerged. Cover-ups regarding the amount of lead in the water to the blatant denial by government officials have resulted in very sick families, a state of emergency and a...
Is Apple’s stand against the FBI putting the brand at risk?
I used to work in a video rental store (remember those?). In later years, we had software that kept track of all our customers’ rental histories, in part so we could learn their tastes and recommend other titles. Back then, the employees and customers understood that...
Badvocates: How negative influencers can positively change your communications
Influencer marketing—you’ve heard a lot about it, and the potential benefits it can have on your business and communications efforts. For example: Increasing earned media for your brand; Increasing the reach of your message through your desired audience; Increasing...
Crisis comms in action: Chipotle’s store closing announcement is PR theatrics, but that’s OK
As Chipotle wages its battle with E-coli and salmonella, just about everyone has come out of the woodwork to assess its response to what is a significant brand crisis, and speculate on what it needs to do moving forward to regain customers’ trust. Someone, somewhere,...
Powerball and the importance of issues management
If a well-thought-out strategic plan is in place and an organization has the capabilities to support it, it will allows the organization to adapt both to opportunities and issues that present themselves. But what does all this have to do with Powerball?