For many of us who check email from our beds, the grocery store and our kids’ soccer games, inbox addiction is very real. In today’s mobile world, we rely on our inboxes to keep us informed, entertained and connected. Email even keeps us tethered to the office and...
Facing the Press: 10 steps to giving a great media interview
Whether you’re preparing for an interview yourself or you’re a PR pro training a client, understanding the key techniques of media training is vital. Without proper preparation, a spokesperson not only risks missing out on the great opportunity that positive media...
Beware the dangers of name-dropping when pitching top-tier journalists
Journalists, especially at the A-list outlets, are a competitive bunch. They live for the scoop, the exclusive, or at a minimum, the unique angle on a widely reported story. Based on feedback we've heard from journalists, this point seems to be lost by a certain...
5 key questions to ask when planning an earned media strategy
You may have heard of the term “earned media” being thrown around while reading marketing or PR industry news. Just what is it, and should you focus in on it? Or is it just another buzz term the industry grabs onto to generate interest? Let’s dig into the topic to see...
Pitching the press in 2016: The secret sauce of media relations
Media relations is only one piece of the public relations pie—strategy, planning, research, content, writing, social media, events, activations, monitoring and reporting fill up much of the rest. However, one of the main reasons PR professionals are hired is for media...
Media relations by the numbers: How to know when to stop pitching
When you’re a small company trying to get into the news, media placements are really just a numbers game. At some point, you can even start to predict how many pitches it will take per hit. If one in every 20 reporters finds your story compelling, but you know you...
What every PR professional should know about pitching bloggers
Would you like more bloggers to say “Yes!” to your pitches? These four tips will help increase your rate of success. 1. All Bloggers Are Not Equal Some blogs are written just for fun, while others are the blogger’s primary source of income. The blogger who blogs for...
Resolutions for media relations success in 2016
Corporate communications continues to evolve at break neck speed as innovative agencies, professionals and brands test new strategies and tactics to engage with key industry and media influencers. As we ponder what the future will hold for PR and media relations in...
Are newswire services dying or evolving?
I recently conducted a Twitter poll and asked a simple question: “Do you use a wire service for press release distribution?” One hundred percent of the responses replied no. Actually, there was only one response. So we can discard the scientific validity of the poll....
MSAs, CSAs and DMAs: A Guided Tour of Local Market Designations
I've written previously about the importance of identifying "geographic scope" when targeting journalists. Most journalists write for either a national or local audience, but how do you define "local"? I work from a home office in El Cerrito, Calif. (pop. 23,549), one...
PDF, DOC or DOCX? Choosing the right format for sending documents to journalists
In my previous column, I discussed the file formats commonly used to provide photographs and other artwork to journalists. But what if you need to distribute documents—press releases, white papers, backgrounders, studies or other reports that include text and...