Many of our clients who accept an invitation to appear as a guest on a podcast are shocked when they learn that the interview included a video recording that was uploaded to YouTube. Keep in mind that even if the interview is in podcast form, you should always be ready for a possible video interview. No problem as you frequently use Zoom for calls. Right?
Zoom is undoubtedly the most user-friendly video platform in the world. It enables remote interviews without requiring a complex home studio setup. But there’s a catch: you’re now in charge of your own lighting, audio, and makeup.
Do not fret. There is no need to put in hours attempting to simulate an interview created by a professional company. Get the following fundamentals down, and you’ll exude assurance, polish and warmth.
#1: Learn about the “Touch up my appearance” tool in Zoom
Your video display receives an instant soft focus, giving it a more polished image.
#2: Steer clear of virtual backgrounds
They’re enjoyable with friends and coworkers, but not suitable for interviews with the press. The ideal setting is a neat home office. However, if you don’t have a specific working area, pay attention to your surroundings. A messy bed, an open bathroom door, or a background mirror might be embarrassing. Additionally, look for a location where you can keep out kids, other people, and your pets to prevent this scenario.
#3: Do not position yourself too near the camera
This gives the potential viewer the unsettling impression that a huge face is staring back at them through their computer screen. Put yourself in a position where your head, shoulders and chest are visible to the camera.
#4: Dress in professional business attire
On video, solid blue clothing projects well; however white could make you appear washed out. Avoid wearing jewelry with loud or dangling charms or busy patterns that will draw attention away from what you are trying to express.
#5: Powder your nose and forehead to “de-shine”
Any shine gets exaggerated on video and can be distracting. If you don’t happen to have a compact of powder on hand, crank up your AC ahead of the interview.
#6: Keep looking the audience in the eye
Direct your attention to the camera on the laptop or computer screen. To make sure that your eyes are pulled to the camera, experts advise adding an arrow.
#7: It’s a good idea to write down three important points that you want to remember and set them nearby, out of sight of the camera
It is preferable to glance down at notes rather than up at the ceiling when trying to remember anything. In fact, looking up during an interview makes candidates seem dishonest. To use as “cue cards,” you may also put up your talking points against the side of your camera.
#8: Instead of using your smartphone, use a laptop or desktop PC
Your interviewer will be able to capture you in landscape mode this way.
#9: Always rehearse with a coworker to ensure that all of the above have been taken into account
Your confidence and memory of the information you wish to convey will both be greatly improved by even one practice session.
If you would like coaching on what to say and how to say it during interviews, consider taking some “Media Training.” Everyone gains significantly from it, regardless of how frequently they have been the subject of media interviews.
Best of luck with your next video interview!
This article originally appeared on the Amendola Communications blog; reprinted with permission.