
So you’ve done your media analysis, and have identified your top authors and publications. You’ve also completed your media list. Now what?

You have to make media calls.

Whether you’re following-up on a pitch previously sent via email, calling to pitch a new story, or having a journalist call you, media calls are an important part of the PR-journalism relationship. They also ensure your messaging is uniform across all publications and authors.

But, like creating your media list, tracking media calls can become a tedious task that often gets neglected. Really, who has the time to write down the details of every media call? And besides, is there really a benefit if a relationship is established and maintained?

The answer is yes.

A common PR pain point is being able to show tangible results for communications efforts. Tracking media calls is a great way to demonstrate effectiveness and ROI to executive-level management, and ensures that all members of a communications team are as productive as possible.

Better yet, there are tools like MediaMiser’s Events Manager that can help simplify the entire process.

MediaMiser event manager

Events Manager is perfect for individuals or entire communications teams, as it allows users to log every media call within one system. It also ensures messaging to the media is uniform and consistent, especially if a team is spread across the country. Teams can then send an email at the end of the day outlining every media call made, ensuring that employees are productive and that media targets are being met.

These daily reports also demonstrate to executives the effectiveness of the communications team.

Using MediaMiser’s Enterprise system employees can track coverage generated from their pitches and media calls, and a member of MediaMiser’s professional services team can apply sentiment to the articles. Team members can then be assessed based on earned media generated or the overall sentiment score of the pitches/responses they’ve made to journalists, along with the stories that were written from interactions outlined in their media calls.

Are members of your communications team looking to increase the amount of journalists to which they outreach? MediaMiser’s Events Manager integrates with its Contact Manager journalist database to offer up-to-date journalist information, making it easy for communications teams to research a journalist completely before pitching a new story.

If MediaMiser’s Events Manager and Contact Manager sound like something that can benefit your company’s media endeavors, you can find out more by speaking to one of our Media Analysis Experts.

Sara Chisholm

Sara Chisholm