
Brett Clawson

Brett Clawson
Brett is a 43-year-old father of 2 boys with a degree in Business Management. In his free time, he enjoys learning about emerging business trends and writing about how to incorporate them into new and existing businesses.
3 PR tactics to retain customers and increase sales

3 PR tactics to retain customers and increase sales

Any good business spends a lot of time and money in the pursuit of new customers. For a business to grow, its customer base needs to grow as well. However, you can sometimes make the mistake of forgetting that customer retention should be a robust part of your...

5 PR strategies for today’s health food companies

5 PR strategies for today’s health food companies

Health food stores are no longer a niche interest for a small portion of the population. The demand for healthy foods and alternative nutrition options has grown exponentially, and this is great news for any health food business owner. But the market has now been...

5 PR tips to successfully pitch your small business to the media

5 PR tips to successfully pitch your small business to the media

After developing quality products and services, one of the best ways to help your small business grow is to seek out media attention. A story in the right publication may help put your company in the spotlight so that many people decide to check it out for themselves....

6 tips for creating a successful B2B PR strategy

6 tips for creating a successful B2B PR strategy

Public relations and marketing strategies often go hand-in-hand, but they are not always one-size-fits-all and many of the ones easily researched are geared towards business-to-consumer companies. So how can a business-to-business company successfully build the right...

Crisis control: Why response plans need a designated spokesperson

Crisis control: Why response plans need a designated spokesperson

When an adverse event rotates the spotlight of public attention to your business or that of a partner or client, does your response plan include a designated spokesperson? Does that person have a back-up? If either answer is no, then your crisis response plan has a...

5 ways to perfect your PR strategy in the digital age

5 ways to perfect your PR strategy in the digital age

Once upon a time, public relations was essentially limited to penning press releases, organizing press junkets and building relationships with the media. With the rise of the digital age, however, PR professionals have had to expand their expertise to communicate on...

4 effective strategies for marketing a nonprofit business

4 effective strategies for marketing a nonprofit business

There is a common misconception that nonprofits can operate in a vacuum without putting much time and effort into developing a sound business strategy. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Just like any other business, a nonprofit must work to attract new...

3 tips for spreading the news about your new business

3 tips for spreading the news about your new business

Starting your own business seems like a dream come true, but there is still a ton of work to do before you can reach your goal. Building a successful company means currying favor with an otherwise uncaring public, and doing so will require a variety of tools,...

5 tips for marketing to customers more effectively

5 tips for marketing to customers more effectively

When running a business, there are many things to think about and keep in mind as your business grows and develops. While this can be exciting, it can also be challenging at times as well, especially when it comes to building an effective marketing strategy. The good...

3 helpful tips for becoming a quality spokesperson

3 helpful tips for becoming a quality spokesperson

As any business owner understands, talking to the media is a part of the job. There is a huge difference between just speaking to reporters and being able to effectively make your point in a manner that helps to build ongoing relationships, create positive news and...

5 PR tactics to help you start 2021 on the right foot

5 PR tactics to help you start 2021 on the right foot

2021 is looking to be an exciting, yet challenging year for almost any company. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, shop, and even live our day-to-day lives. While the promise of vaccines is giving everyone hope, we can’t expect 2021 to be a return to...