
Top PR micro-influencers

by | Aug 24, 2017 | Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media


There’s that term again. Seems to be popping up everywhere these days, doesn’t it?

But with good reason.

To wit, 82% of customers surveyed by Experticity said they would be very likely to follow a recommendation from a micro-influencer.

Who in their right brand mind wouldn’t want those kinds of chances?

Micro-influencers are trusted and respected experts in a particular niche who can impact consumer behavior.

When it comes to the public relations niche, we decided to combine the capabilities our media database with our social media intelligence to determine just who out there are the top PR micro-influencers. Using a combination of Twitter mentions, frequency of updates, and number of times the user has been listed, we came up with a list.

Behold! The top PR micro-influencers of 2017 (so far)!

top pr micro-influencers


To learn more about the rise of micro-influencers, how they operate, and how exactly they can help you and your brand, register for our micro-webinar, set to run on August 29.

Marcus Kaulback
Marcus is a content creator and marketer with a focus on branding and communications.