
There’s no getting around it—times have probably never been more partisan in this country. We’ve seen how it can impact attitudes on what politicians can get in the stocking for Christmas. So, what about something as simple as greeting others? Research and insights firm Regina Corso Consulting surveyed over 2,000 Americans to find out.

While seven in ten Americans (71 percent) say “Merry Christmas” as their usual way of acknowledging the season, over one-quarter (27 percent) say “Happy Holidays”. Of course, there is a partisan difference with over four in five Republicans (83 percent) saying “Merry Christmas” compared to two-thirds of Independents (68 percent) and over three in five Democrats (63 percent).

Now if how one acknowledges the season can be partisan, what about other parts of it, say the political leanings of beloved holiday characters?

Well, there is definitely not a sense of unity here! First, the big guy himself and over two in five Americans (42 percent) say Santa Claus is a Democrat, over one-third (35 percent) say he is a Republican and over one in ten say he’s a Libertarian (13 percent) or a member of the Green party (11 percent). Each party claims him… seven in ten Republicans (69 percent) say Santa is one of them and almost three-quarters of Democrats (73 percent) say he’s one of them. Among Independents, over one-third (36 percent) say Santa is a Democrat, over one-quarter (27 percent) say he’s a Republican while one in five (20 percent) say he’s a Libertarian and less than that (17 percent) a Green party member.

For Frosty the Snowman, over one-third of Americans (37 percent) say he’s a Democrat, three in ten (30 percent) a Republican and less than one in five a Libertarian (17 percent) or a Green (17 percent). Over half of Democrats (57 percent) say Frosty is a Dem and half of Republicans (50 percent) say he’s one of them. Independents split with almost three in ten (28 percent) saying he’s a Democrat and one-quarter each saying he’s a Republican (24 percent), Libertarian (24 percent) or Green member (24 percent).

Then there is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and over one-third of Americans (37 percent) say he’s a Republican, one-third (33 percent) a Democrat, less than one in five (16 percent) a Libertarian and over one in ten (14 percent) a member of the Green party. Over three in five Republicans (62 percent) say Rudy is one of them and almost two-thirds (64 percent) of Democrats say he is a Dem. Again, Independents are split with three in ten (29 percent) saying Rudolph is a Democrat, one-quarter that he is a Republican (26 percent) or Libertarian (25 percent) and one in five (19 percent) a Green member.

Finally, the green rascal, the Grinch Who Stole Christmas—at the beginning of the story almost half of Americans (48 percent) say he is a Republican and over one-third (37 percent) a Democrat. Over seven in ten Democrats (72 percent) as well as one-quarter of Republicans (25 percent) say the Grinch starts off as a Republican while three in five Republicans (61 percent) say he starts as a Democrat. The big question… what is the Grinch at the end of the story when his heart grew three sizes?

This research is from an online survey conducted by Regina Corso Consulting among 2,049 U.S. adults, 18 and older between December 10 and 12, 2019.

Richard Carufel

Richard Carufel

Richard Carufel is editor of Bulldog Reporter and the Daily ’Dog, one of the web’s leading sources of PR and marketing communications news and opinions. He has been reporting on the PR and communications industry for over 17 years, and has interviewed hundreds of journalists and PR industry leaders. Reach him at richard.carufel@bulldogreporter.com; @BulldogReporter