Face it, communicators: If you’re in PR, you’re in sales

Face it, communicators: If you’re in PR, you’re in sales

In today's rapidly evolving job market, the ability to effectively sell and make a personal brand for yourself has become indispensable—it’s what sets people apart from the competition, regardless of the industry they’re in. Whether competing for a job opportunity or...

5 tips to build a highly productive remote PR team

5 tips to build a highly productive remote PR team

Remote and hybrid work relationships have been significantly more common in the wake of the pandemic. McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey reports that 58 percent of Americans have access to some kind of remote work—more than a third work remotely full-time.  The...

5 strategic ways AI is changing the PR game

5 strategic ways AI is changing the PR game

AI has now become our wise friend next door, who has an answer to all our questions. Every one of us has given it a go, be it to find just the right caption for that Instagram post or to research a new topic thoroughly. No wonder, AI is estimated to potentially...

4 ways digital communication tools are shaping brand narratives

4 ways digital communication tools are shaping brand narratives

In the digital age, communication tools aren't just a necessity; they're a game-changer for your brand's narrative. From enhancing customer engagement to reshaping how brands tell their stories, these tools are pivotal! Let's explore four distinct ways these digital...

The art of crafting a perfect apology in public relations

The art of crafting a perfect apology in public relations

Because of how interconnected the world is nowadays with instantaneous communication channels, a single misstep can rapidly spiral into  public relations crisis. With social media and the internet growing every day, customers and others can share their opinions with...

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