
Did you know that there are currently 2.4 billion monthly active users on Facebook, making it the most popular social media platform worldwide? Furthermore, in the U.S alone there over 220 million users, with this figure expected to rise to an estimated 223.2 million by 2023.

In terms of businesses, around 2 in every 3 Facebook users visit the Facebook page of a local business at least once a month, with 42 percent of marketers reporting that this social media platform is critical to the overall success of their brand.

However, how do you ensure that you continue to boost your brand on this popular social networking site rather than hinder it? Keep reading to find out:

Focus on video content

Video content, and specifically social videos, have never been more popular, with 85 percent of consumers wanting to see more video content from their favorite brands. Specifically relating to Facebook, this social networking site saw a massive 258 percent increase in branded video views from 2016 to 2017, with this figure only set to continue to increase in the next few years.

Social videos are particularly beneficial for attracting and engaging with Generation Z and Millennials, influential and growing demographics that you need to attract if you hope to prosper in 2020 and beyond.

Social videos can be tricky to get right, especially if you are not used to connecting and engaging with an audience on these platforms. However, with the help of a service like a London animation studio, you can expect to:

  • Immediately catch the attention of your target audience
  • Connect with them on an emotional and personal level
  • Pitch them a relevant product or service
  • Convert them into a lead or even a sale

Be consistent

If you want to build a solid reputation on Facebook, you need to ensure that you are consistent with your business Facebook page. As well as focusing on highly engaging and interactive social videos, you also need to post regular and high-quality written content that includes information such as:

  • Updates on your brand
  • Special offers
  • Competitions
  • Company news
  • Industry news

Although, it is important to not be too promotional as you want users to feel that they are getting added value when they visit your page, so it can be beneficial to also focus on user-generated content.

Welcome feedback

According to Facebook, one in three of their users use their platform to look for recommendations and reviews. That equates to just under 1 billion people using Facebook to look for a business.

Therefore, it is apparent that if you want to build your reputation on Facebook, you need to ensure that you enable Facebook recommendations so that all these millions of users can both rate your business and read reviews from your previous customers.

It is the ultimate word of mouth! Of course, you also need to ensure that your customer service is up to scratch and that you deal with any complaints or errors in a timely and appropriate manner but enabling Facebook recommendations is an undeniably strong reputation management tactic.