8 event marketing trends to watch out for in 2024—and some to avoid

8 event marketing trends to watch out for in 2024—and some to avoid

Running successful events takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work, a major part of which includes research. In particular, you’ve got to know all about the top event marketing trends each year, and whether they should matter to you. We’ll be shedding some light on the...

Exploring email open-rate benchmarks in PR—4 ways to improve yours

Exploring email open-rate benchmarks in PR—4 ways to improve yours

Email marketing is a personalized and effective way to reach your target audience and is a staple of many PR campaigns. But emails are only valuable to your campaign if they are actually opened. It can be frustrating to see a low open rate when you’ve put so much time...

8 ways artificial intelligence can boost your email marketing

8 ways artificial intelligence can boost your email marketing

AI-powered email can be described as a process of promoting goods and services with the help of personalized email campaigns, which includes methods like data collection, data analysis and additional observations of the audience or economic trends that may impact the...

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